Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cranberry Juice, why?

Its been awhile, I don't feel like I have all that much to say lately. I do know that its only 9:00am and the boy is already covered in cranberry juice. THAT was a poor choice on my part. I thought it would help him poo... but it turns out the only ingredient is sugar.

Bradley is doing great. Running around the house like a madman as usual. It is nice how he is communicating more and more with us. He will point at what he wants, and throw a tantrum if he can't have it. oh well! I am still astonished with how he acts like its the end of the world during the WHOLE 60 SECONDS the milk is in the microwave. He screams like I have locked him in a room and walked away. Its a MINUTE. He can wait and watch for an hour while I cook dinner, what a weirdo. He also tells me NO all day and shakes his head at me. I won't even be doing anything either. Its pretty funny.

He did learn something new yesterday actually, well maybe he knew it all along, we will never know. He was sitting on my lap and I was reading him a book. As soon as I finished the book he did his usual, stand up and take off hunting for another book. I was getting a little annoyed with always tripping over those darn books (they hurt!) So I just "Whoa, whoa, whoa... where do you think your going? You take this book and you put it back in the bucket before bringing me a new one." He ACTUALLY turned around, grabbed it from me and put it away. I was floored!!! I handed him about 6 more books one by one and he put them away. The craziness!! I was so happy I didn't want him to take any more books out!!

I love that hes understanding me. Hes finally able to gentaly put his sippy back down on the high chair. It was not fun how every single time hes done taking his two sips he has to hurl it across the kitchen like a grenade full of milk. I swear it was going to go out a window one of these days. Boy would I be embarrassed telling my landlord, sorry but the baby did it.

Well, I suppose I have run out of crap to ramble about. I GUESS I can start cleaning now. Oh boy!

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