Thursday, June 11, 2009

Turn that thing off!

I guess I am trying to make up for time lost, I have been a video taping fool lately. I think Bradley is quite sick of me getting up in his face.

So lately Bradley has been wanting to sit at the big boy table at day care and refusing his high chair. He has NOT been eating at home for me either and I figured maybe it was just a phase. I was out at the toy store yesterday to get diapers and noticed a cute little diego table. Of course I bought it. I tried sitting him at it for lunch. He did great! Snack time, (which i video taped) he was perfect, and he also ate dinner there like a little angel. No fussing, no throwing food, no fits, he EVEN had good manners. Its like sitting at a table automatically gave him good manners. He ate with his spoon, he didn't feed the dog, and he nicely gave me his bowl full of food when he was done. Usually he either throws it or gives it to the dog. I have been AMAZED. I guess he just wanted to be a big boy... go figure.

heres him sitting at his new table eating lunch.

he is too funny when he wears our shoes. I got it on video also (no big surprise)
Just being cute!
Video, 1st one is of him wearing daddys shoes. not sure why i taped it sideways...
2nd is of him eating at his new table

Friday, June 5, 2009

Whoo hoo! Round 2 of antibiotics here we come! Sadly the last medicine did not work with bradleys ear infection so now he has a double! He is starting to feel a bit better and its only day two of the new medicine!

Not much else is new really. I decided to take a few videos of him today to just remember these days later on. They aren't really that exciting, mostly just of him babbling and playing. Watch if you want. Oh and don't mind my dog barking at bradley, she is such a spaz. I really wish I knew what was going through that darn dogs head sometimes.

Till next time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who hates antibiotics?! WE DO!!!!

Bradley came down with a nasty ear infection on Friday. That was actually the last thing we suspected when he woke up at 3am and refused to go back to sleep. Poor guy then started throwing up like crazy in our bed. We knew that if we could survive until morning he would go to the doctors.

So amazingly 5 days after starting his antibiotics (yesterday) we finally started to feel the wrath of the medicine. The HORRIBLE diarrhea started up. Now hes not only pooping like a maniac but he also has a diaper rash so bad that he refuses to let me wipe.

This morning is not so good either. I got him out of bed with a dirty diaper and has gone two more times in this past half hour. Of course he thinks that its hilarious that he can now say "I pooped" and grab at his diaper. So he'll run up to me, alert me of his recent news and then run away so I can't change him. oh boy.
Another crappy thing that happened is our toaster died two days ago. I have been wanted to go get a new one this morning so he can have toast again but HE WON'T STOP POOPING!!!!! Arghhhh

Playing with a little toy that daddy brought home to cheer him up. Its supposed to shoot his cars but it just kind of falls over. lol

Mostly content when nothings happening. Just don't touch!

I managed to make him giggle :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wow, its been awhile!

So I finally have internet again!!! Its been about a month! Its crazy!!!!!

Lets see whats new... Bradley still loves his cars. He loves to sit on his potty, but god forbid if you pull down his diaper or pull ups to sit on the potty. Clearly thats not how its supposed to be done.
He had his 18 month check up today. Everything went perfect. He was 29 Pounds and 34 Inches. Almost 3 feet tall!!! I was glad to hear he didn't gain a pound either, he needed to even out!
He got his first haircut! Okay well I only trimmed up the back half of his mullet. Brandon wanted the top to be long still and Bradley could not sit still long enough for me to do anything else anyways! So I guess Brandon wins.

Heres his mullet before.

Heres him looking like a normal little boy.
And then heres a couple more from this past month.
My friend Hayden turned 2! He had alot of balloons at his party! Maybe mom will invite some to my party in the fall!
Guess what mom promised today?!?!?!?!
This is my dog tabby! Shes always on watch duty.
Who says toilet paper rolls are only for gerbals. HAH I proved daddy wrong.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Picture Day

I love my sweatshirt!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April showers bring no Chalk playing!

I know I have slacked on the blog lately, but believe it or not I received a complaint!

Lets see, whats new this month.... Bradleys favorite thing in the whole wide world has now become Chalk. He yells it day and night wanting to play. Sadly its been rainy and cold the past few days so I have not had the chance to let him play.

We also went to the Zoo in Providence a few weeks ago. I am having a brain fart on the name of it for some reason. It was a little chilly but Bradley had a great time. He ran the entire zoo and was EXHAUSTED after.

Heres some photos from the zoo and others from this past month.
Here I am waiting for mommy and daddy to catch up

Those yaks were a little scary looking, Daddy didn't seem frightened at all

Mommy likes this photo.

I liked the bald eagle!

I don't remember this photo for some reason....

How can you NOT be happy with a shirt like this??
Daddy brought these glasses home for me! Hot stuff!
Oh my days are so tough

Monday, March 9, 2009

Come on Spring!

I am really hoping that Spring brings nice weather and healthier children Then maybe, and this is a big MAYBE healthier children means less of a chance Bradley can bring it home!!!!! I am so tired of sicknesses! Bradleys still coughing, I came down with pneumonia and to top it off we got a flat yesterday.

Can someone lend us some good luck? I promise I will give it back, but it might be covered in wet cheerios when I give it back.

On another note, hes still not talking all that much. He still jabbers non-stop but we are still waiting for some more words to form. He is doing wonderfully with a fork, I really was not expecting him to use a fork and spoon yet for some reason, but I guess I was just under estimating his capabilities. He still likes to be just as silly as always.

This is of Bradleys "hat" he has been wearing constantly. It is just a little plastic bowl that was sent home with us from the hospital with Bradley when he was born. He discovered I forgot to take it off his dresser (and mom forgot he could reach EVERYTHING now) it was still filled with water and a cloth from when he had a fever. He dumped the water on the carpet and went running around with it on his head from there on. I don't know what possesed him to try it on his head but its been pretty much attached to him sinse. (notice the change of clothes, i am not joking!)

Have a good week everyone! Its now time for me to rest.