So amazingly 5 days after starting his antibiotics (yesterday) we finally started to feel the wrath of the medicine. The HORRIBLE diarrhea started up. Now hes not only pooping like a maniac but he also has a diaper rash so bad that he refuses to let me wipe.
This morning is not so good either. I got him out of bed with a dirty diaper and has gone two more times in this past half hour. Of course he thinks that its hilarious that he can now say "I pooped" and grab at his diaper. So he'll run up to me, alert me of his recent news and then run away so I can't change him. oh boy.
Another crappy thing that happened is our toaster died two days ago. I have been wanted to go get a new one this morning so he can have toast again but HE WON'T STOP POOPING!!!!! Arghhhh
Playing with a little toy that daddy brought home to cheer him up. Its supposed to shoot his cars but it just kind of falls over. lol
Mostly content when nothings happening. Just don't touch!
I managed to make him giggle :)